Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ok folks now down to business! You've been equipped with the knowledge of which garnish will set that perfect drink over the edge and what to wear to a night out on the town Pullman style. But you have yet to learn what it takes to throw a party of your own.

Here you will find the tools you need to throw a great party, the do's and don'ts ever host should know and all the extra details that go into party planning. I'm going to take you through the journey of my own party planning experience where you join me in setting the date, planning the event, buying the supplies and seeing just how much work goes into this kind of stuff.

First off the reason this party is even being planned, is to set the bar for all future events that will be taking place at one of the most popular bars in Pullman, Stubblefields. The first annual Aquarius Birthday Party is set for February 6th. The hard part what getting the date set.

Now its up to me to create advertisements so people will even come. These have been submitted and will be set into motion sometime this week. Now that the hard part is taken care of, decorations are next on my list of things to do...

Next week I'll take you through the dos and don'ts of party planning, and update you on where I find myself. Overwhelmed? or an epic fail?

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